Islamabad (Monitoring Desk) Potato Bukhara is famous fruit and is cooked after cooking and teaching. This is the fruit of medical importance. Potato fever is commonly used to change the taste after fever and disease. It is decorated in western countries that are tasteful, potatoes are famous fruits, after cooking and teaching. This fruit contains greasy, protein, vitamin A, B, C, and E, as well as calcium, iron, potassium, sodium and magnesium are found indifferent. Brown and black color

This fruitful form of oval shape is anti-oxidant, it eliminates the possibility of cancer. It's physical andThis fruitful form of oval shape is anti-oxidant, it eliminates the possibility of cancer. It's better for physical and mental health. It reduces the cholesterol rate and is considered to be oxygen for the health of liver. It has many quantities of potassium. That's why BP controls too. It is useful in diseases of veins and bones. In spite of mischief, potato fever is used in the complaint complaint whose surfers are exported, its syrup provides energy in heat vessels. According to medical experts, potato fever cures blood loss and it helps in breast cancer. Sugar patients can also eat it without hesitation.


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